The school is genuinely inclusive. Students appreciate the difference being at the school makes to them
Russell Bennett, Director of Education - GLF Trust

Year 11 Exams Information 2022

3 Jan 22
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Exam Changes

The Department for Education has announced that GCSE exams will be adapted to ensure fairness for students who have been impacted by the pandemic, this is to help them reach their full potential. The following changes will be put in place for all students in England:

English, History and Geography: some topics removed so there is less content to cover and revise
Maths: formula sheet provided in the exam
Science: formula sheet provided in the exam and experiments can be demonstrated by teachers rather than students needing to conduct them all
French and Spanish: additional optional question in writing section to offer more choice to the student
Geography: removal of fieldwork questions in the exam
Art: portfolio work only, no exam
BTecs: amended assessment criteria eg. removal of some NEAs (non-examined assessments) and allowing individual assessment work instead of group assessment work
Other GCSEs: advance information of topics to be given on 7th February to help focus revision
The following link has further information: .


Advanced Information

On 7th February 2022, examination boards released ‘advanced information’ for the following GCSE exams due to be taken in Summer 2022:

English Language
Science (Combined and Triple)
Food Preparation
Our teachers are using this advanced information to adapt their lessons and resource materials, ensuring that all of our students are well prepared to sit these exams in Summer 2022. Copies of the advanced information from each subject can be found here:

How will Year 11 students be graded?

Midway Point between 2019 and 2021:
If exams go ahead as planned, Year 11 grades will be midway between the 2019 exam results (before the pandemic) and the 2021 Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) that were given when exams were cancelled (during the pandemic). Therefore, this cohort will be a ‘transition’ year group, with grading expected to return to normal the following year.

If exams are cancelled, Year 11 students will receive TAG grades from their teachers based on assessments they have completed in school. Assessments from October half term onwards can be included; the student should be informed which assessments might count towards their TAG grade and be given the same amount of time that they would receive in the exam.

If you have any questions at all then please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor, or myself directly at