
Article 29. Education must develop every child’s talents and abilities to the full. 

At Trafalgar School it is our aim to ensure students develop a lifelong love of learning. In addition to our formal curriculum, we offer a broad range of extra curricular opportunities to inspire passion for existing and new areas of interest.  This offer provides students with the cultural understanding, resilience and communication skills needed for them to excel beyond school.

All curriculum areas offer a wide range of trips during the year in addition to a range of clubs both at lunch times and after school.

We are committed to ensuring that all students have access to a wide range of experiences. If your child is in receipt of the Pupil Premium grant and finance is a barrier, please get in touch and we will look to support you and your child. 

Timetable for Autumn 2024-25

Week A

Lunch Time (12:55-13:15)

After School (3:00-4:00)


Pokémon TCG – Sc8 (All)

History Mystery – Hu1 (All)

Beginners German - LA4 (KS3)

Maths Film Club – Ma6 (All)

Basketball – Gym (Year 7&8)

School Choir- Music Room (All)

English Film Club – EN4 (All)

Silver DofE – Sc8 (Invite Only)

Art & Graphics enrichment- ART 1&3 (Year 10)

Girls Football (All)

Boys Football (Year 8)

Debate Club (All)


Maths Board Games Club – Ma4 (All)

Girls football Gym (All)

English Club – EN8 (All)

IT Film Club – IT2 (All)



Chess Club - LRC (All)

Lego Spike Robots – Sc2 (Years 7-10)

Minecraft Club – IT1/IT2 (All)

Netball  - (All)

Boys Football (Year 9-11)

Dungeons & Dragons Club – EN3 (All)


Minecraft Club – IT2 (All)

Pitch Perfect Singing - Dance Studio (All)

English Club – EN8 (All)



Science Club – Sc1 (KS3

Sparx Support – Ma2 (All)

3D Printing club – Tech 1 (KS3)

Boys Football (Year 7)

Dance Live- Dance studio (Invite only)

Whole School Play- Drama Room (All)

Band Club - Music room (Invite only)


Humanities Film Club – HUM1 (All)

Art Film Club - Art 2 (All)

Dance Live – Dance Studio (Invite only)


Year 10 Performing Arts Workshops (Invite only)



Horrible Histories Hu1 (KS3)

Basketball - Gym (Years 8&9)

Bronze DofE – Sc8 (Invite Only)

Year 11 Performing Arts Workshops (Invite only)





Week B

Lunch Time (12:55-13:15)

After School (3:00-4:00)


Beginners Italian – LA4 (KS3)

Maths Film Club – Ma6 (All)

Basketball – Gym (Year 8)

English Film Club – EN4 (All)

Basketball – gym (year 7&8)

School Choir- Music Room (All)


Silver DofE – Sc8 (Invite Only)

Art Club- Art 1 (KS3)

Girls Football (All)

Boys Football (Year 8)



Maths Board Games Club – Ma4 (All)

English Club – EN8 (All)

IT Film Club – IT2 (All)

Girls football Gym (All)




Chess Club - LRC (All)

Lego Spike Robots – Sc2 (Years 7-10)

Trafalgar History Project HUM1 (KS3)

Minecraft Club – IT1/IT2 (All)

Photography Club – Art 2 (KS3)

3D Design enrichment- Tech 2 (Year 10)

Netball (All)

Boys Football (Year 9-11)


Minecraft Club – IT2 (All)

English Club – EN8 (All)

Pitch Perfect Singing - Dance Studio (All)



Science Club – Sc1 (KS3)

Sparx Support – Ma2 (All)
Dance Live- Dance studio (Invite only)

Whole School Play- Drama Room (All)

Band Club - Music room (Invite only)



Humanities Film Club – Hu1 (All)

Art Film Club - Art 2 (All)

Basketball - Gym (Years 8&9)

Dance Live – Dance Studio (Invite only)



MFL Film Club – LA3 (All)

Year 10 Performing Arts Workshops (Invite only)



Horrible Histories - Hu1 (KS3)

Bronze DofE – Sc8 (Invite Only)

Year 11 Performing Arts Workshops (Invite only)



What's been happening at our clubs?