Home Learning

Article 28. Every child has the right to an education. 

At Trafalgar School, home learning is used to ensure that knowledge gained in lessons is remembered and effectively recalled in order to be successful in their future learning. It is therefore an integral part of the curriculum to explicitly promote our ‘stickability’ teaching and learning principle.  At Trafalgar School, home learning promotes independence, teaches responsibility and helps students develop good study habits.

  • Home learning should always be planned in advance to reinforce the key knowledge required in the ongoing scheme of learning.
  • Students need to be given appropriate time to complete work set; this must be longer than 24 hours.
  • Home learning should always be differentiated to ensure all students are challenged and supported appropriately.
  • Home learning must be recorded via Class Charts to promote good organisational skills and to allow parents to support and engage in their child’s home learning.
  • Successful completion of home learning and effort made towards independent study will be celebrated to support and motivate students with their learning.
  • If home learning is not completed, students will be given the opportunity to make this right and departments will provide study support sessions to allow all students to complete home learning successfully. This will be communicated with parents via Class Charts.
  • Students must receive feedback on their home learning.
  • All curriculum leaders should monitor the quality and completion of home learning tasks as part of their monitoring process.
  • Compulsory home learning will not be set for completion during school holidays (other than KS4 revision).

Years 7, 8 and 9

Weekly 60-minute home learning tasks will be set for core subjects: English, Maths & Science.

Fortnightly 30- minute home learning tasks will be set in MFL, History, Geography, Ethics and Philosophy and Computing.

Years 10 and 11

Weekly 60-minute home learning tasks will be set for core subjects: English, Maths & Science.

Other options subjects will set fortnightly 60-minute home learning tasks.


Home Learning Hub - Canteen

Here is the rota of subjects that will be available for support on specific days in our home learning hub: